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An experiment in unemployment

So, I quit my job.

For the last year and I half, I've been working a french-influenced casual fine dining restaurant downtown. A fairly new place, of which I was one of the original servers, with great food, great people, and an all around fantastic place to work. I think what gave me the kick in that pants and pushed me out the door was daunting 25th birthday that's lurking around the corner. There is nothing wrong with being over 25, and working in a nice restaurant. Actually, most of my fellow servers at the restaurant were over 25, but there's something about turning a 1/4 century that makes me feel like I need to start doing what I actually want to be doing. That thing happens to be making jewellery. If I've done the math correctly, then I should have enough bank to get me through at least 4 months without any income. The big question is: with all the time I have on my hands, can I use my education, hardwork and skills to bring my jewellery business to a level that supports me financially, 100%? And so begins the experiment.

My last day of work was December 18th, which gave me ample time to spend visiting family on the island, in Richmond and Kelowna. I got back to Vancouver on the 2nd and spent a week organizing myself... filling orders accumulated over my breaktime, cleaning up the inevitable hurricane manifested in my house and studio over the course of December, and planning for the months to come. I started thinking about a timeline of how I want to approach things. It makes sense to plan everything out in my head; getting it all done is another matter. It has been, and is going to be a challenge to motivate myself to put this free time to good use. Well, here I go.



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